Certificate -Level2 Total Marks: 125 Duration of Examination –2 Hours Theory Course 1.History of Kathak in short. 2.Definitions:Aamad, Toda, Tukada, Tatkar, Paran, Chakradhar paran and Toda, Kavitt, Ang, Pratyang, Upang, Gatbhav, Hastmudra, Taal. 3.What ismeant by Folk Dance? Five names of Folk Dances. 4.Names of Five Classical Dances and their States. 5.Biography of any one Kathak Guru in short. 6.Write names of five Tabla accompanists to Kathak. 7.Name and uses of following Asanyukt Hastmudra. (Only Namesand 3 uses per Hastamudra)Sarpshirsha, Mrigshirsha, Simhmukh, Kangul, Alpadm, Chatur, Bhramar, Hansasya, Hanspaksh, Sandansh, Mukul, Tamrachuda, Trishul, Vyaghra, Ardhasuchi, Katak, Palli.
Practical: Total Marks–75 1. Taal Teentaal: Thaat –2,Paran Aamad –1, Ranga Manch Pranam –1,Tode –4, Chakradhar Toda –1,Paran -2, Chakradhar Paran –1, Kavitt –1, Tihai –1,Chakradhar Tihai – 2. Gatnikas –Sidhi Gat, Mataki Gat, Bansuri Gat, Mormukut, Ghungat. 3.Gatbhav –(Panihari) -Gopi goes to fill water, Krishna breaks a pot, Gopi is angry and Krishna laughs. 4.Names of all Hastmudras used in Gatbhav and Gatnikas. 5.Adhi,Barabar, Dugun, Chaugun and Aathgun with Tihai in Taal Teentaal. 6.Bat in Teentaal. (Different from previous Examination) 7.Information of Taal Jhaptaal presenting on hand with Barabar, Dugun, Chaugun and Tihai. 8.Taal Jhaptaal: Thaat-1, Sadha Aamad –1, Ranga Manch Pranam –1, Toda –1, ChakradharToda –1, Paran –1, ChakradharParan –1, Tihai –1.Recitation of all the Bols on hand is compulsory.